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Getting The Best Out Of Your Cosmetics

The road towards becoming a good make-up artist is a well traveled road. People assume that being good with cosmetics is only for make-up artists. Little do they know that in a world where beauty is the first thing that is noticed, everybody should know how to be confident with make-up and cosmetics. With that said, what makes people good with make-up then? I mean, you see all these people use different types of cosmetics but you can really see the difference between a newbie and a talented make-up artist. How then can you get the best out of your cosmetics? Here are some tips not just on how to apply make-up better but also on how to motivate your good self to be better.

1. Flaunt your best features – This may be easier said than done. Looking for the best is basically just how you exhibit your unique qualities. It’s like taking your best feature and enhancing it more using cosmetics and technique. You see those models and actresses that look like goddesses? They are all like us, normal human beings with flaws and imperfections. Only difference is, they have a professional team that makes sure what we see on our screen is a perfect human being through careful stressing of the person’s best features.

2. Plan, plan, and plan some more – Most people apply make-up impromptu. They just do whatever enters their mind as of that moment. It usually results to either a surprisingly brilliant work or a disaster. When I say planning, it’s not about making blueprints, it’s about learning more and more about your craft. With enough planning, every time you pick up a brush, you will not just be randomly choosing colors or styles but instead, you already see a picture in mind that will work.

3. Always look with an objective eye – With cosmetics, you can’t force certain things. It just doesn’t work that way. Make sure you are objective every time so you make good decisions. Consider the shape of the face, the skin color, and other aspects that is present in your subject. Make sure your style of choice jives with the already present elements in your subject. If you have feature as your subject, focus on that specific area to strengthen it.

4. Never stop learning – This part cannot be fulfilled with the help of books, seminars or classes. It will be all about experience. As time passes by, you will prefer certain styles and would gravitate toward them. Don’t stop fine tuning your technique. This is the only way for you to be really good at what you are doing.

5. Don’t hesitate to express yourself – Do not forget that what you are doing is considered art. Sometimes, the thing that would make you “unique” is something that you yourself can only discover. You can only do this if you do careful experimentation and a couple of trial-and-error sessions. If you find this “uniqueness” then you are bound for greater things.

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